Visibility & Involvement

The faculty council is an important organ through which students can voice their opinions. We aim to make the faculty council more visible to students and voice their ideas more in decision making. 

Visibility & awareness

We want to achieve more visibility of the faculty council through higher activity on our social media profiles. A focus would be Instagram since this is what most students actively use. Regularly, brief updates of the most important discussed points will be posted on our feed and our story. Content regarding the faculty council will be agreed on with the staff faction and posted in close collaboration with the other members of the faculty council. We want to use Instagram stories as a way to regularly engage with students by encouraging them to share points they would like us to discuss in upcoming meetings. There will be anonymous options in addition to contacting us through the account. Generally, we want to increase transparency through social media by giving students insights into our work. We also want to advertise our walk-in hours more on social media, hoping to increase engagement. Another important tool is LinkedIn. We want to increase our activity thereby posting a regular newsletter, as well as other important information. The newsletter will include updates on the policy and important topics like diversity and inclusion and education. By showing the progress made so far we can give the students a better impression of what matters the faction of PSB is working on. Moreover, we want to increase our connections on LinkedIn, especially with students and staff of our faculty. 


This year we will work on involving the students of the faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences more in the faculty council and PSB. Since our motto is: Your voice in the Faculty Council, involvement is a cardinal topic for us this year. To represent the students of the faculty better, we want to work on new ways to reach our students, along with improving the ways we are reaching our students at this moment. For the last few years, PSB had Walk-In Hours where students could approach members of PSB to voice their ideas and opinions on what is going on in the faculty. These Walk-in Hours are a good step in the right direction of giving the students of the faculty a voice in the faculty council. This year we want to improve the engagement of the Walk In Hours by actively announcing them in the newsletter and on our social media. Additionally, we want to introduce ourselves at the beginning of the academic year and make the students more familiar with our faction, the faculty council and PSB in general. 

Furthermore, we want to introduce a form in which students can anonymously voice their ideas, opinions, issues, or struggles regarding things that are happening within the faculty. With a QR-code for this form, we will spread this form on posters hanging in the faculty and we will promote this form on our social media and our website. Discussing the ideas from this form will be a weekly point on our agenda. We believe that it is extremely important to have input from all the students of the faculty. We hope that by working on the Walk-In Hours and the Idea Form, we can make it easier for students to reach out to us. We believe that this will eventually lead to representing our students more accurately. 

Next to us being more involved with the students, we want to find ways we can make the students of the faculty more involved with PSB. Through social media and the newsletter, we want to be more transparent about what topics we are working on. We will regularly post topics we are discussing within the Faculty Council on social media and will elaborate on this in our monthly newsletter, which we will spread through social media. We hope that this way the students will have a better understanding of what keeps PSB and the Faculty Council busy. Moreover, we will keep our students informed on how we are working on our policy. By working on these concrete steps, we hope to involve our students better in the Faculty Council and in PSB. This too will be achieved through the use of a newsletter, which will be circulated through our LinkedIn page. This is a social media account that PSB has not yet used to the best of its ability and could be a great way to reach more students within the BSS Faculty, both through the newsletter and as a place to speak on progress and current goings on at the Faculty.