Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity & inclusion (D&I) is a cardinal topic for our faculty. We find it central that every student who studies at our faculty feels welcome and at home at BSS. We are continuously looking for new ways to create an explicitly inclusive and safe environment for all students while further raising faculty-wide awareness of D&I matters in and outside of curricula. For example, this year, we aim to promote the organization of social and/or educational events pertaining to diversity and inclusion topics. 


First and foremost, a member of PSB will join the Diversity and Inclusion Working Group of the faculty (D&I-BSS). By joining this working group, we hope to discover novel ways to enhance inclusion and diversity in our faculty and harmonize the work of different faculty bodies in order to maximize their efficiency and transparency. This can be achieved, for example, by seeking expertise and insight from already existing intrafaculty bodies such as the Centre of Expertise for the study of LGBTQIA+ issues. Additionally, PSB intends to work more closely with external bodies connected to the university such as—but not exclusively—student associations of minority groups to more easily identify a wider array of issues and gain valuable insights and perspectives. 


Secondly, we will place greater emphasis on promoting diversification of the current curricula of the faculty of BSS, such as integration of decoloniality and greater LGBTQIA+ coverage. To allow for this to happen, we will also work towards finding possible time and financial resources, as well as supporting materials of all sorts to support and encourage teaching staff to implement diversification of courses. We will also strive/try to devise ways to make these resources and materials more easily accessible to everyone. In addition, at the faculty level, efforts are being made to promote a more diverse staff, for example through specialized training sessions. By doing so, PSB hopes that the curricula can become more reflective of the real student experience. 

Moreover, we will highlight the importance of formulating better (general) complaint procedures to allow for an easier identification of issues that are pertinent to improving and maintaining D&I within the faculty. Accordingly, PSB hopes to promote more pronounced intrafaculty collaboration and achieve greater accountability on certain faculty-wide issues and thereby reduce virtue signaling. Furthermore, PSB wishes to facilitate a deeper look into the matter of accessibility both in the sense of physical accessibility of facilities and increased compatibility of curricula for people with disabilities. Lastly, PSB wishes to promote greater intrafaculty socialization of students by working together with study associations of BSS. Therefore, students of the faculty could feel connected not only to their own departments but to the faculty as a whole