Get to know our candidates for 2023-24

Published on 2 May 2023 at 14:21

Our #1: Sebastiaan Bensink

My name is Sebastiaan and I will be the chair of the fourteenth faction of PSB! I'm 22 years old and originally come from a small village in the North of the Groningen province. I have gained experience with faculty affairs through my position in this year's faction of PSB and my position on the VIP board last year. In my free time, I play hockey at G.C.H.C., where I also coach a team. I look forward to putting my best efforts toward representing the students of our faculty in the year to come!

Our #2: Pauline Freytag

Pauline is a third-year psychology student with a passion for research, music, and coffee walks. Her recent biggest accomplishment was achieving all 5 stars in Super Mario Bros. She values supporting students' personal lives in academia and promoting constructive communication guided by compassion and equity.

Our #3: Suske Huizinga

Hi there!! My name is Suske Huizinga and I am in my second year of the Dutch Bachelor of Psychology program. Besides studying, I find it important to advocate for my fellow students. Through PSB, we can make our voices heard to the faculty and faculty council. This year, I want to focus on effectively implementing our policy plan. In particular, I believe that the "students and education" point is an important policy area, because I believe that the health and quality of life of students is crucial! Therefore, I will be dedicating extra attention to this area.

Our #4: Lisette Schuiling

Hi everyone! My name is Lisette Schuiling and I am 21 years old. Currently, I am in the third year of the academic teacher training. In the last few years I’ve been involved with the faculty quite a lot. Last year as the commissioner of education of ODIOM and this year as a member of Faction XIII of PSB. I’m looking forward to representing the voice of the students of our faculty again next year :)

Our #5: Shawn Pallagi

Hi there! My name is Shawn Pallagi, I’m 21 years old and I study Psychology. I’m all for socializing and going out with friends in and out of Faculty so we might have actually met already. By being part of PSB, I want to be a voice for everyone by promoting an inclusive environment while also working toward a more transparent Faculty. I’m looking forward to hearing your perspectives and ideas about our Faculty.

Our #6: Tabatha Ros

Hey! My name is Tabatha and I study Pedagogical Sciences. This year I am working as the student assessor of the Faculty Board, a very interesting job where I am able to learn a lot about education at our faculty and where I have the chance to represent the student perspective in the Faculty Board. Next year I will start the master Educational Innovation and I hope to keep representing the voice of students by being a member of PSB!

Our #7: Dorien Lekkerkerk

Hi everyone! My name is Dorien Lekkerkerk and I am 20 years old. I am in my third year of psychology, but I am currently busy with being the treasurer in the board of VIP which I greatly enjoy. During this year I've learned plenty skills that I would like to implement in the PSB faction. Besides doing my board year, I enjoy playing hockey every now and then; make some new earrings or just hangout with my friends! I am really looking forward to this new challenge :)

Our #8: Chris Csölle

Chris is a real jack of all trades: when he’s not busy studying psychology, he’s busy teaching it to first years or taking courses from the philosophy faculty - and, starting next block, he’s adding volunteering at a local mental health facility. Whenever his academic responsibilities leave time for it, he likes to immerse himself in all kinds of stories - from movies to poetry - and take part in some social activism around town if possible. He hopes to combine these aspects to best represent you during his time on PSB.

Our #9: Annemieke Steman

Hi! My name is Annemieke Steman and I am 22 years old. I am currently in the third year of my Psychology bachelor, but I put my studies on hold this year to do a board year at VIP, as the commissioner of Internal Affairs. Next year, I’ll be continuing my bachelor and doing the third year courses and of course I am also very excited to then be a part of PSB!

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