PSB is looking for Faction XII

Published on 27 January 2021 at 15:53

The Faculty Council is the official representative advisory body of the faculty. The Faculty Council of the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences consists of nine students and nine staff members. This year PSB was represented by 6 of the 9 seats for students.

Every week we have a meeting. First, we meet up around twice a month for an informal meeting to talk about our own policy, to catch up and have dinner or drinks (in normal times)!

Besides our own meetings, we have the preliminary meeting, where we prepare the main meeting from the next week. The Faculty Board joins our main meeting. During these meetings we discuss all kinds of subjects in the field of education, research, personnel management and finance. There are a number of recurring topics, like the teaching and examination regulations, the quality of education, the multi-year budget, the sustainability and the well-being of staff and students.

Because the meetings aren’t too often, you can easily combine being in the Faculty Council with studying. So, are you interested in being involved with the decision-making processes within our faculty?

Would you like to advise the Faculty Board of BSS and are you interested in further improving several aspects within the faculty, such as the quality of education and employability?

Apply now for next year's Faculty Council by sending an email to before Friday, February 19 at 23:59 including your CV and your motivation letter. Both Dutch and international students can apply! Your motivation letter can be written in Dutch or English.

In case you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact one of us. Don't miss out on this opportunity to represent all students of our faculty!