Announcing Candidate Faction 22-23

Published on 17 April 2022 at 17:11

My name is Lars and I will be the Chair of this year's student faction of PSB. I am currently in the last year of my bachelor's in Psychology.  Next to this, I am a non-rowing member of Gyas. I also started working as a customer service specialist with Belsimpel. In my free time, I love playing games, drinking a beer with my housemates and friends, and going for a round of padel.


My focus next year will be on changing the way we work as a group with regards to being more constructive and improving the policy with the ideas of our students. This is to make sure that the students of our faculty can have a large influence on how things are organized within the faculty.

Hi there! I'm Dagmar and I'm a third year Sociology bachelor student. In the upcoming year I'll be the internal chair for PSB. In my spare time I work in a shoestore and as a TA at the RUG. Furthermore I play hockey at GHBS and I have a cute little hedgehog named Freddie as a pet. 


In the upcoming year, I hope to continue the policy and ideas from last year and build toward a more transparent, safe, and well-educated environment at our faculty.

Hi, I’m Anna Waldeck and I’m a second year Psychology student and I’m from South Africa.

This year, I would like to focus on connecting PSB with the students. Especially to listen to their concerns about the faculty and education.

Heyhoi, I’m Sabien, a third year psychology student with my energy focused on improving sustainability at our faculty. I hope to achieve a more efficient approach towards preventing climate change and I believe that we, as the faculty of behavior and social sciences, have an important opportunity to help implement the needed behavioral change. Feel free to approach me at the faculty and have a good chat about this topic.

My name is Sebastiaan. I’m a 21 year old psychology student in the third year of the bachelor. In my free time, I like to play chess and I also play hockey at G.C.H.C. this year, I want to put my effort in ensuring a good implementation of hybrid opportunities in education. Besides this, I would like to contribute to the feasibility of Career Services at the BSS faculty!

I am Suske, 21 years old and I'm in my first year of the study psychology (Dutch track) I live in Groningen for my second year now and I really love the city! besides study I like to hang out with friends, go to parties and I work at a coffee shop as a barista. I want to achieve more transparency with PSB so more people become involved with the faculty and I would love to see more attention given to the sustainability :)

Christianne is currently studying Psychology as a pre-Master student and will start her Master in Applied Social Psychology this September. In her free time, she enjoys writing, drawing, and learning about different languages and cultures. She hopes to bring her international student experiences and passion for diverse mental health to the PSB Faction of 2022-23.

Salih is a really busy bee. He can’t sit still and is continuously engaging in new things. He wants to make the most out of his academic time but is also good at enjoying his leisure time and doing exactly nothing or being with his friends. During his time in the PSB, he really wants to be the best influence he can regarding topics such a mental health, a safe environment and hybrid education.  He stands for a safe and healthy environment for all the students wherein everyone should feel understood and represented.

Hi, my name is Lisette Schuiling. I'm 20 years old and I'm currently a board member of the study association ODIOM. Next year, I'll be in my third year of the academic training primary school teacher. In the upcoming year, I want to represent students in the decision-making process on the road to blended learning. In that way, I want to further improve the education within our faculty

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